Babysits is carbon neutral!
Here at Babysits, we are committed to our mission of empowering communities around childcare so that children can grow up happy and healthy. Action against global climate change is something we’ve identified as integral to this, and something we are passionate about and dedicated to.

How Working From Home Impacts Babysitting Costs
Work from home has become the norm for many parents, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need childc...

The Babysits for Special Needs Program
According to the WHO, between 93 and 150 million children live with a disability worldwide. Paren...

New Babysits Function: Virtual Babysitting A Globally Viable Option
Babysitting platform supports parents working from home globally with virtual babysitting feature.

Babysits New iOS App
Organizing child care anytime, anywhere made easier and more affordable than ever with the new iO...

Homework Help and Distance Learning
Babysits surveyed parents from 10 different countries in order to understand how they experienced...